Sports Preformance

EMF 7: Quantum Prometheus

If you remember my podcast several years back, I told you the disease that got me interested in all this was osteoporosis. This is a disease I treat a lot as a spine surgeon. I discussed Wolff’s law in detail in the EMF 1 blog. When I realized that Wolff’s law was null and void in leptin resistance states in bone, something else radical appeared to me. I knew that Leptin Resistance signaled inflammation, and inflammation could be seen as a positive charge and loss of a negative charge on MRI’s, fMRI, and MEG studies. I also realized that MRI or NMR should show an increased flair signal on T2 weighted MRI images signifying an intracellular water loss coupled with a loss of collagen and of ATP. Collagen makes up the main protein of connective tissues in all mammals, typically 60–70{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} by weight. The water and collagen constitute a liquid crystalline matrix in which every cell in the body is embedded, making this system the ideal medium for intercommunication in eutherian mammals. Within this matrix we have learned about proton and electron superconduction that not only feed the underlying mechanistic pathways that most biochemistry recite but they also feed a rich “wet chemistry” that is fundamentally based upon special qualities of water. It turns out water has some prodigious quantum flexibility when it is confined in closed spaces that make it do some unique quirky things that no classic chemist would predict. These things are all predicted by quantum electrodynamic field theory. One such quirk is the use of water reverse micelles around proteins that increase enzyme action and kinetics by the order 10 to the 10th power based upon the pioneering work of Frank Mayer and Jim Clegg. Classic physics and chemistry thinks of water in its bulk form only because that is all the classic sciences can explain about it. In quantum coherence, where water acts as a total cohesive unit because it has infinite chemical freedom, water becomes highly structured chemically, from its bulk form to do some amazing things, to become extremely flexible in phase transitions between ice crystals and liquid crystals and gas vapor as it gets confined in small diameter nanotubes in our cells. Water dynamics and actions are quantumly altered as it is confined within nanotubes it develops properties that allow it to collectively work dynamically within reverse micelles and in proton superconducting cables that align along collagen in the cells cytoarchitecture to allow for super fast semiconduction. This has been reproduced by many physics and molecular biology researchers in electron photomicrographs and X-ray diffraction studies. The most amazing property water develops as it is confined in these nanotubes, it becomes a super catalyst that organic chemistry has missed, because it accounts for the energy of activation of biochemical reactions and enzymatic kinetics. It is not ATP that does this, ever!! ATP has another more critical function. It unfolds protein in cells to open water binding sites to form these super conduction cables to create 100{a7b724a0454d92c70890dedf5ec22a026af4df067c7b55aa6009b4d34d5da3c6} energy efficiency.

EMF 4: Why Might You Need Carbs for Performance?

Today EMF-4 is going to hit a very controversial topic. Why do the younger performers perceive they need carbs for performance? For years, I have said loudly, I don't believe it is true. Over the last 7 years I have begun to understand why their belief exists now. When you suffer from a disrupted circadian clock you perceive you do need carbs. It has been shown recently that artificial EMF's make our blood brain barrier and gut more permeable to carbohydrates. The micropulsations of EMF control biocycles, including the timing of mitotic rhythm and the entire cell cycle. Any major change in their frequency would be catastrophic for cells. In fact, today most of the paleo-sphere is unaware that experiments already have been done that have shown that vibrational rates near normal and slightly above the Schumann resonance, from 30-100 Hz, cause dramatic changes in the cell cycle timing. It turns out, the most powerful shaper of our development may turn out to be the subtlest force, that is completely invisible to us and perturbs the manner in which we handle macronutrients and recycle ATP.



Cold Thermogenesis 11: Paleo FX To Practice

Today, I want to introduce you to someone who is a true 'Paleo leader' by stepping up to the the challenge I put to our community at PaleoFx conference recently held in Austin, Tx. Kevin Cottrell is one of the co founders of Paleo Fx. The leaders of Paleo fx have to be commended because the conference they were able to put on in 150 days of prep time was nothing short of remarkable. The conference exceeded all my expectations and the reviews of many attendees have been stellar. The future of this community is tied to clinical application of what the science continues to show in the literature. For assimilation of the Ancestral Lifestyle to become mainstream we need to have more clinical conferences like Paleo fx, and we need to take them globally. Today, I am breaking new ground and presenting to you my first guest blog written by Mr. Kevin Cottrell, who has agreed to share his personal story and personal medical history with all of you so that he may help you in some way. I think what he has agreed to do here is the most noble and worthy things to do to help our community and mankind. I am indebted to him for this chance to publish his story for you to consider. The following post is written by Kevin, in his words, to share with you and yours, to help open your eyes and challenge your "own dogma and current intuition' to help you reach for optimal health.

Cold Thermogenesis 6: The Ancient Pathway

The best way to describe this pathway to the lay public is to explain this is how evolution allows for ideal form to meet function in a tough environment. This environment is likely the primordial environment for life on our planet. This makes astrophysicists excited, because life might also be evolving in places like Titan. After all 5 extinction events on this planet geologist have told us they were followed by an extended cold climate. In cold mammals live longer. You will find out more about why this happens in Energy and Epigenetics 4 and 5 blog posts. The pathway uses very little energy from ATP and gives a whole lot to the organism who uses it. Fat burning is required and it is tied to a biochemical pathway that paleo forgot to speak about. But it requires cold temperature to be present and used commonly. In the pathway, the less effort you give, the faster and more powerful you will be when this pathway is active. People who live in this pathway can run a marathon with no training. They can lift unreal amounts of weight with little training. Their reserve and recovery are just incredible. You have to see it to believe it. Many will say cold thermogenesis a hormetic process, when in reality it is created using a coherent energy source due to something called the Hall effect. When we have had extinction events on Earth before, the events usually affect the evaporation of water in some fashion from the surface of lakes and oceans. It also affects the transpiration from the forest trees, plants, and flowers and this change cools the air. You must understand how climatology works here; liquid water needs to absorb a lot of latent heat to in order to evaporate, so it sucks energy from the atmosphere to make this energy transfer. This loss of energy from the atmosphere directly cools the planet and this preserves the charge on life's inner mitochondrial membrane and in the nanotubes present in our cells that contain water. This is how life lives long in the cold. Those people don't realize this because they do not live in this pathway for the majority of their life, and few studies have been done to say otherwise. The link above is recently added to this blog post. It seems science is now proving me correct in my theories of extinction events.

Cold Thermogenesis 5: Biologic magnetism

My first encounter with thermoplasticity in human biology I first became aware of this seeming paradox as a neurosurgical resident in my first year of training. We were doing a real "gnarly" brain surgery case. It was a young mother who had a massive basilar tip aneurysm. Back in the mid 90's before endovascular coiling procedures we use today, this was the most risky operation that existed in all of medicine. I spent a month prepping for this case. We had to enlist the cardiovascular surgeons to come in and surgically open the patients chest wide open to stop her heart on purpose temporarily and place her on complete cardiopulmonary bypass to stop all the blood flow to her brain. We had less than 20 minutes to then place a clip across the aneurysm to save her life. To complete this herculean surgical task, we had to fill her entire chest cavity with ice to preserve her heart muscle and cool her core temperature so that we could have 20 minutes to complete the brain surgery. Simultaneously, we would open her skull and split the Sylvian fissure in the brain and approach her basilar artery in the geographic center of her head and attempt to put a clip on it without disturbing any of her surrounding anatomy. The best mental image I can give you for this is the ultimate game of "Operation" you used to play as a kid. You must avoid hitting the sides or the nose lights up!!!! One problem in this case, in this game there was live bullets. This maneuver was deadly if not performed correctly the first time. This is one of the most delicate surgeries one can do on a human. Moreover, even if we were successful with the clip obliteration of the aneurysm, we had to restart her frozen heart, get her off cardio pulmonary bypass without an air embolus and awake. In this case everything went well until the last part and this taught me a lesson I would never forget. She died after the operation was a complete success. Her head was already closed up surgically and dressed, the intraoperative angiogram looked awesome, and we restarted her heart and got her off cardio pulmonary bypass without any evidence of a stroke and then she died suddenly. She received two units of cooled banked blood because our surgical team felt she lost some ability to carry oxygen in her blood because several of the monitors showed she had a low oxygen carrying capacity of her hemoglobin. This concerned us because we were worried about her risk of having a stroke because of low oxygenation due to her loss of blood flow for 20 minutes when she was on full bypass. So we did what any surgeon would do. We gave her blood to restore her oxygen carrying capacity and the oxygen monitors showed her oxygenation had totally returned to normal. We were all happy until I noticed her pupils were fixed and dilated when I was putting on her dressings. She also had blue fingers. And then all of a sudden she got a fatal heart rhythm, and she died right there in my arms. I was devastated. I will never forget talking to her family later that day.

So You Completed The Leptin Rx? What’s Next?

Once you have added the Leptin Rx to your paleo/primal template and you have successfully experienced all the "small wins" that I mentioned in the Leptin FAQ's blog, what should you do next? If you recall reading the blog on how the leptin Rx works, it basically is a plan to make your gastrointestinal tract perform visceral exercises that it is not accustomed to performing, in order to cause neuroplastic changes in your hypothalamus' arcuate nucleus. It uses the vagus nerve as the "stimulator" to send these new messages to the brain. After a period of time, the inflammation will slowly dissipate at the median eminence, and these afferent signals will force expression of certain genes that have been repressed since we were in utero. These genes and pathways are hardwired into our DNA at conception, and used until the child is 12-24 months old. After this time, they are not expressed any longer, because transgenerational epigenetics favors instead the use of the leptin receptor from an evolutionary perspective. This occurs because the leptin receptor in the arcuate nucleus is far more sensitive and accurate in accounting for electrons from food than was using older circadian and ultradian cycles that we used in uteri during morphogenesis. The human brain learns "what neural circuits" to use by repetitive firing. We have a saying in brain surgery, nerves that fire together wire together. This is the basis of the theory of Hebbian learning. These exercises I told you about in the Leptin Rx signal hypothalamic neurons to adapt to these visceral responses to food in a new way, to sensitize the leptin receptor in order to account for electrons from food in precisely how it was designed to do by evolution. In essence, we are altering the genetic expression of the genes in our arcuate nucleus. I describe it to my patients as "performing brain surgery on them without using a blade." The visceral responses to the Leptin Rx are transcribed by the vagus nerve, and this information is sent to the brain. This message is dramatically different than the one the patient is used to giving the leptin receptor, and the new message induces changes to the neuropeptides in the brainstem. After some time, (6-8 weeks for most) changes will be induced. These can be followed by the clinician or the patient. Those clinical signs are outlined in the Leptin FAQ blog post. In doing this, we force the neurons to see neurochemical signals that radically confuse the leptin receptor and the brain. The brain's response to a signal it does not understand is to revert to an older known pathway or to learn a new way to tackle on old problem. I would suggest you watch How your brain re-learns from 2007 by Dr. VS Ramachandran in a TED talk. He exquisitely explains how this type of learning is stimulated in the brain for phantom limb pain and its treatment. One need not use expensive technology to induce gene expression. It is possible to do without an NIH grant too. It requires some synthesis of thought and experience. When you understand the essence of how the brain works, you just need to design a program and force it upon the brain to decipher what to do. That is the essence of the Leptin Rx reset.

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